Cherry Coconut Froyo
Fill your freezer up with these, either as ice lollies or in little pots - and it’s the only dessert you’ll ever crave after dinner!
One of nature’s sweets - ah, they are so yummy. And have great nutritional value! Sweet cherries are a source of fibre, potassium, Vitamin C, and antioxidants. So mixed with only a bit of coconut milk and Greek yoghurt - there is no reason whatsoever to feel anything other than great about having a little pot of cherry froyo after dinner or on a hot summer day.
Cherry Coconut Froyo
Makes about 8 lollies or small pots
1 bag of frozen/fresh sweet cherries
1 can of coconut cream (coconut milk is fine too, but makes it more of a sorbet than a froyo (froso?)!
1 large pot of Greek/Natural yoghurt
Optional: a splash of honey for extra sweetness
You also need:
Ice lolly moulds or small pots for freezing
Blender or food processor
Put the cherries in the blender on their own first to break them down. Only go for a few seconds, you don’t want to make a cherry smoothie, and some bigger chunks are lovely! Then, add in the coconut cream and yoghurt and blend it all together - again, just for a few seconds.
Pour the mix in to the moulds or pots and freeze - and grab one whenever you want!
You can also melt down some dark cooking chocolate and let it cool, and dip the frozen cherry lollies in the chocolate, then put them back in the freezer on a tray covered in baking paper!
You can make this entirely vegan by using a vegan yoghurt - and if you want to add any sweetener, you can use maple syrup or a tiny bit of vanilla extract. Yum!
I want to see how your froyo turned out! Share your result with me on Instagram and tag @TheFromScratchBody and hashtag #TheFromScratchBody so I don’t miss it!