Our What, How and Why

Hi there! This is The From Scratch Body - and here’s who we are, what we aim to do and why it’s important.

“Cook From Scratch - Your Body Will Thank You.”

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That’s our motto at The From Scratch Body. I say “our”, as if we’re this huge company. It’s me. The From Scratch Body is run by me, Liv (with help and support from my brilliant husband), but I say “we” because we are also now a community. All of you who read my posts, listen to my podcast, watch my YouTube videos and share your thoughts with me, you are helping me decide what happens next. You always have amazing questions and ideas. And I use that for all it’s worth, because I think a community is so much more interesting than just one person’s perspective. I love learning from you!

Now that The From Scratch Body has been around for a little while, and grown from me just wanting to share recipes I was making when I started cooking from scratch (brought on by suffering from endometriosis pain) to a multi-channel food content resource (YouTube, podcasts, Instagram, TikTok, Facebook…), I wanted to make it super clear - to both you and myself - what the purpose for current and future TFSB content is. There are enough resources out there for food inspiration, recipes and health information, so how is TFSB different to those? There are some things I don’t focus on, like beautiful cake decorations for parties or overindulgent food trends - nor is it medical advice or weight loss content. But talking about what you’re not is perhaps not so helpful. If you were wondering if The From Scratch Body is a good resource for you, this should help clarify things:

The From Scratch Body is a food and health resource - we aim to inspire our audience to make their own food from raw ingredients.

Specifically, we will be a resource for knowledge and confidence-building when it comes to nutrition and home cooking, de-mystifying processes and promoting creativity and room for trial and error. The From Scratch Body will be a go-to resource for anyone who is interested in making their own food, regardless of their experience and dietary needs.

How will we be a resource?

  • We will regularly share recipes, both for classic dishes (we experiment and share our own take on these, with focus on health and achievability) and for our own, original dishes. We encourage experimentation, allowing for individual needs and ideas rather than religiously following a recipe.

  • We will share simple and concise information about nutrition, key ingredients, food processes and food related health topics, helping you make informed decisions about your own and your family’s diet.

  • We will remain independent and protect the integrity of our mission. Whenever we collaborate with brands we will only work with those who support and further the mission of cooking from scratch, so you know you can trust us as a source.

  • We will create content in a variety of ways; written, audio and video, long and short form, to reach different people in the way that they find the most educational and enjoyable, and to make home cooking more accessible.

  • We will compile more specialised content into affordable materials like e-books and courses for those who want to dive deeper into specific areas of home cooking.

  • We will keep The From Scratch Body’s main content free and accessible for all.

Why is it important that we make our own food?

  • Avoiding ultra-processed food (UPF) has been demonstrated to greatly benefit our physical and mental health. When food is home made, harmful processes and unhelpful additives can be avoided altogether, resulting in a healthier and possibly even happier and longer life.

  • We also believe that we have become too removed from the food we eat, often not knowing anything about the ingredients or origins of the dishes we consume. Our view is that preparing and cooking your own dishes is a vital part of enjoying food and life.

  • On top of all of the great health benefits, the potential benefits to the planet in cutting down on processes outside of the home and limiting food waste are significant.

  • The financial savings for a household can be massive when regularly cooking from scratch, and the skills that you continue to develop in the kitchen will be with you for a lifetime.

So cook from scratch, and your mind, wallet, planet, family, friends, and body will thank you!

Which part of what TFSB’s focus is the most important and helpful for you? I’d love to hear from you! Email me at liv@thefromscratchbody.com


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The From Scratch Body in 2024