An Apple A Day…
Does an apple a day really keep the doctor away? We look at the health benefits of apples (purely as another excuse to eat them this autumn).
There are many different types of apples.
Therefore, it is quite hard to generalise what the health benefits, or even, downsides, can be. For example, if you struggle with acid reflux, a sweeter apple type can help you - though more research needs to be done on this, whereas a more sour apple might make it worse. So keep listening to your body and checking in with how it responds - but just to learn some fun things about the health benefits of apples, here are some listed by Healthline:
Apples have a whole load of amazing health benefits to them. First of all they are high in Vitamin C, which helps our immune system stay strong, maintains healthy skin, strengthens our bones and cartilage, and helps our wounds heal quicker. Other vitamins found in smaller quantities in apples are A, B1, B2, B6, E and K.
Apples are rich in fibre - great for our digestion - and polyphenols, which reduce inflammation and promotes blood circulation and helps your body manage blood pressure. A lot of the fibre and polyphenols found in apples are in the skin, so just know that if you peel your apples the benefits might be a lot lower.
Because of the fibre content, which makes apples filling, some studies have shown that apples can help you with weight loss.
They may be good for your heart because of something called soluble fibre which helps lower blood pressure, and they have also been found to lower cholesterol levels as much as drugs created for this purpose!
See where the “keeping the doctor away” comes from? A study even showed that eating an apple a day, or even just a few a week might lower the risk of Diabetes Type 2 by 28%.
They also seem to help your gut and gut bacteria - which has a huge impact on the rest of our physical and mental health.
Wow, apples eh? This is only the beginning - there are way more health benefits to this autumn favourite. So now you can have them knowing you are doing something great for your body! Keep in mind that some of these benefits change or are reduced when you peel them, cook them or process them in different ways. But still, can’t hurt to add some apples to your diet, especially now that they are in season.
What is your favourite apple? And your favourite apple recipe? Post on Instagram and tag me @TheFromScratchBody and use the hashtag #TheFromScratchBody so I don’t miss it!