Date Night Bites
These snacks are a great example of listening to what you genuinely want. I was picturing the perfect snack for what I wanted in the moment… and Date Night Bites were born!
Embracing my cravings
I was craving an indulgent snack, and to try to keep my promise to myself of only eating snacks I’ve made myself, I decided to tune in and see what it was that I really wanted. I wanted a gooey, sweet/savoury flavour mix, but with some crunch too. I looked at what I had, and came up with what I wanted to attempt.
After doing Hubby’s Hiking Snacks, I learned how easily you can pulse some dried fruit together and it will easily get nice and sticky for a snack ball or bite. I had chopped dates, that I had been meaning to use to make something from. It doesn’t get gooier and sweeter than dates! Add a bit of peanut butter to it? Even more gooey and easy to mould, and of course a brilliant flavour combination. I sprinkled in a pinch of pink Himalayan salt, yummm! For the crunch I topped went for some chopped, roasted nuts, and of course - there had to be a bit of chocolate involved.
These are super indulgent and honestly only one did the trick for me the day I made them. But I kept going back into the jar pretty much every day until they were gone! And I’m not sorry in the slightest.
I’ve called these Date Night Bites to be a bit clever (dates, right?), but also because I think these would be a lovely gift for someone you love, or to make and enjoy together on a day where you’re celebrating - maybe Valentine’s or an anniversary?
Date Night Bites
Makes around 10
250g chopped dates
50g peanut butter
A pinch of sea salt/pink Himalayan salt
A block of dark cooking chocolate (100g or a bit more, try to opt for one that isn’t ultra-processed, always check the ingredients!)
About 100g nuts, either one type or a mix: almonds, cashews, pecans, walnuts, hazelnuts, pistachios…
Also needed:
A food processor or blender
Roast your nuts (if not roasted already) in the oven for 8-10 minutes on 180ºC (roughly 350ºF). Take them out and let them cool.
In your blender, run the dates and peanut butter together (with the pinch of salt) for about 30 seconds. Take the mix out and put the roasted, cooled nuts in and pulse them for just a few seconds until they are chopped up fairly small but not completely pulverised! Spread the nuts out on a chopping board or back onto the tray on which they were roasted.
Melt the dark chocolate in a bowl in the microwave (gently) or over a water bath.
Now take a bit of the date/peanut butter mixture and shape into a ball in your hand. With a fork or spoon (remember, it will be hot!), put the ball in the bowl with the melted chocolate and move it around until it’s covered. Immediately roll the chocolate covered ball in the chopped nuts. Put on a tray or plate, and once you have repeated for all your snack bites, put them in the fridge to cool down (so the chocolate hardens again and the nuts stick to it).
I’m super happy with these, the combination of how quick and easy they are to make and how incredibly delicious they are is something to celebrate in itself!
If you’ve followed me for a while you know that I also have a recipe for Super Energy Nut Balls, which are a tasty snack too - if you’re after something a bit less indulgent!