Liv’s Summer Salad
A fresh and exciting summer salad full of lovely flavours that complement each other - enjoy this summer salad, or use it as a suggestion and make it your own!
I love making summer salads.
So many tasty salad ingredients are in season and you can combine lovely, fresh leafy greens, veg, fruit and nuts for the kind of food you really want on a nice summer’s day. Here’s a look at one of my favourite summer salads.
Liv’s Summer Salad
For 2 people
1 orange
1/2 gem heart lettuce
1 handful of nuts and seeds (for instance chopped almonds and pumpkin seeds)
A handful of diced cheddar cheese
A handful of grated carrot
A handful of chopped celery or cucumber (or both!)
1 avocado
1 handful of rocket
Balsamic glaze/vinegar and extra virgin olive oil
Seasoning (tiny pinch of salt + pepper and some dried herbs)
You don’t even need to mix this stuff in a bowl first if you just want to be super quick. Have two plates ready at your side, and get chopping. Start with the nuts and seeds, chop the nuts roughly first and toast it gently in a dry frying pan for a minute or so. Let them cool down. Chop up the lettuce, celery, cucumber, avocado and cheese and divide evenly between the two plates. Grate the carrot and sprinkle it over both plates, and then add your rocket. Add nuts and seeds all over, and then generously add some balsamic glaze/vinegar and extra virgin olive oil and seasoning, or if you want you can mix this all together to a dressing and then pour it over. That’s a gorgeous salad done in about 10 minutes, if that!
I can’t even begin to talk to you about how many different ways you can vary this salad. Salads have endless possibilities! Use whatever you have at hand that you really like the taste of. Enjoy!
I would love to see your summer salad! Did you follow my ingredient list or do something entirely different? Share your result with me on Instagram and tag @TheFromScratchBody and hashtag #TheFromScratchBody so I don’t miss it!