Cook from scratch - your body will thank you!
Hazelnuts are so tasty and work in baking, snacks, spreads and drinks. Learn about some of their amazing health benefits!
My new and improved hazelnut chocolate spread (which I’ve called NOTella) only has 3 ingredients and lasts you a long time!
(Healthier) Sourdough Bagels
Making your own bagels is just so darn fun - and now you can use your sourdough starter to make these without any commercial yeast!
Poppy Seeds
They’re so tiny, you might not even think there’s anything of note in them. But poppy seeds are full of great nutrition! Learn about it today.
Green Pancakes
Green pancakes will brighten anyone’s day! Just a handful of spinach brings out that amazing colour, with no weird flavour added.
Basic Sourdough Bread
A basic sourdough bread recipe - guaranteed to bring joy to the household!
Sourdough Starter - Troubleshooting/FAQs
Struggling to get your sourdough starter baking ready? Check these FAQs to see if they can help you!
Sourdough Starter - day by day guide to making your starter from scratch
A step by step guide on making your own sourdough starter from scratch!
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