Did you know that cinnamon may help prevent Alzheimer’s disease? Or that there are two different main types of cinnamon; one of which is better for you? Now you will!
I love it when I can bring you good news.
I certainly have good news for you today. Cinnamon, the loveliest-smelling, most autumnal (and wintery!), warm and tasty spice, is full of amazing health benefits!
First of all some quick facts; cinnamon is made by cutting the stems of cinnamon trees and extracting the inner bark. When dried, this bark curls up, and that is what we know as the cinnamon stick. The sticks can be ground, and that’s the cinnamon powder you can buy cheap in pretty much any shop or supermarket! Be aware that there are two main types of cinnamon; Ceylon cinnamon (also known as “true” cinnamon) and cassia cinnamon (the more common type as it is cheaper). Ceylon cinnamon is a bit better for you, so have a look online and see if you can buy some next time. I found some on Amazon and though it might be more expensive than cassia, it is still very reasonably priced.
Now let’s look at some of the amazing benefits of cinnamon:
One of the main compounds of cinnamon, called cinnamaldehyde, can help fight fungal and bacterial infections in the body.
Cinnamon is full of great antioxidants. It also has anti-inflammatory effects on the body, which can help prevent many diseases, including chronic ones.
A protein called tau, can build up in the brain and seems to be one of the main factors in developing Alzheimer’s disease. Cinnamon helps prevent this build-up, at least in animal testing - more research needs to be done. But that is pretty promising!
In another animal study, cinnamon improved motor function in mice.
Cinnamon decreases the amount of glucose that enter your bloodstream after a meal. It also increases your body’s sensitivity to insulin. This is a good thing; as insulin resistance is quite common and can lead to serious health issues like Diabetes Type 2.
Cinnamon has been shown to lower blood pressure and cholesterol levels. So it’s good for your heart too!
So this autumn, confidently sprinkle cinnamon on your breakfasts, desserts, baked goods and your hot drinks, enjoy the smell of the cozy indoors and remember that you’re giving both you and your body a lovely treat!
Do you love cinnamon? How do you use it? Post on Instagram and tag me @TheFromScratchBody and use the hashtag #TheFromScratchBody so I don’t miss it!