Kiwi has been one of my favourite fruits all my life! It was such an exciting snack for me as a child - but it wasn’t until I was older that I learned that you can eat the whole thing - including the fluffy brown skin! Let’s learn about the kiwi today.
A furry, fuzzy, zesty friend!
There are actually loads of different varieties of kiwi out there - but the most common is arguably the green kiwi or fuzzy kiwi (the one that’s bright green on the inside and brown and fuzzy on the outside). It’s got a really fresh and lovely zesty flavour that works perfectly in smoothies and salads, or just as a lovely, simple snack or dessert. My mum used to just hand me a halved kiwi and a teaspoon, and it would shut me up for at least 60 seconds while I devoured the lovely green kiwi flesh! But you can also safely eat the skin, just make sure you rinse it well first.
Kiwi is, maybe unsurprisingly, very rich in Vitamin C. It just has that Vitamin C vibe, know what I mean? Did know by the way; that Vitamin C can alleviate asthma symptoms?! That’s just amazing! It also strengthens your immune system, which is of course great for all of us, asthma or no asthma.
It’s great for your heart apparently, as it increases high-density lipoprotein (the good kind of cholesterol), reduces fat in your blood and helps manage your blood pressure. It is also high in potassium, which is good for your heart too!
Kiwis are high in fibre, which helps your body break down protein-rich foods and digest them better. Fantastic for your gut health and for a feeling of fullness. And - here’s a great fact that combines both health and cooking (that’s what we love!): kiwis can be used to make meat more tender. It’s time TFSB did a kiwi-based marinade!
In addition to a lot of Vitamin C, kiwis also contain Vitamins E and K, which help your immune system too, and they are high in antioxidants - helping your prevent chronic illness.
Quite a few people are allergic to kiwis, so do be careful if you are unsure before you tuck into a whole load of them or put them in a smoothie. Symptoms are mild for most people, but it’s still worth being cautious!
Do you like kiwis? How do you cook with them? Message me on Instagram @TheFromScratchBody!