Online Food Trends

Online Food Trends - The From Scratch Body

Who knew that we’d end up using social media so much for food inspiration! These days, you can catch new clever food hacks in short videos all over social media. So many accounts have become excellent at creating videos that are fun, appetising and catch our attention. Today we’ll be looking at how we can learn from those hacks, but think for ourselves as well - so we keep our body thanking us.

Watching cooking videos is almost hypnotising.

With music, clever editing, bright colours - and on top of it all; new ideas that hadn’t occurred to you before, social media cooking videos can be really quite appealing, hypnotising and a bit addictive. I love that this has become a big part of social media, honestly. There is a lot of fun stuff to learn from other people when it comes to clever home-cooking hacks, and where we previously only learned from our neighbours and family members, we can now access those ideas from all over the world. It’s amazing! The thing to be aware of, which is something I touch on in my post about comfort food, is the fetishisation of food in our society. When the focus is solely on the visual presentation of the food and making it look more outstanding than anything else you come across, there might not be so much concern with moderation of ingredients that are going to make you feel less than great, and similarly, some of the less “sexy” ingredients might be left out.

The great news is of course that you have a mind of your own! So though you may have come across some hacks like the fad that went across TikTok recently with baking a whole block of feta cheese in the oven with pasta and mixing it together, you can take inspiration from that and maybe drizzle a bit of feta over the top instead, and have the same culinary experience, but feel a bit better afterwards! If we use a block of cheese for every dinner, not only will we start feeling a bit uncomfortable in our bodies, but it will also get quite expensive! Cheese is lovely, but despite what you see in videos, it doesn’t need to be melting all over the place and cover each ingredient in your dinner.

One of my favourite little social media-taught hacks is the folded, toasted tortilla wrap. (You can find the recipe for it here and also watch my video tutorial here!) This is a great example of when you see a clever hack, but maybe not represented with the best ingredients. It’s the perfect moment for you to use the inspiration, but to think for yourself, and maybe use (or make!) a healthier wrap, or just fill it with healthier ingredients like vegetables and chicken rather than just lots of cheddar and ham (although, occasionally, go for it - yum!).

What clever cooking hacks have you learned online? Do you have any tricks you learned at home that you are ready to share with the rest of the world? Post on Instagram and tag me @TheFromScratchBody and use the hashtag #TheFromScratchBody so I don’t miss it!


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TikTok Wraps