A classic pesto is just a feast of flavours - perfect on pasta, in a salad or on a posh sandwich! Master this winning dressing in minutes.
The best pesto you’ll ever taste…
…is the one you make yourself. Fresh, fragrant, bright green - and keeps well in the fridge, too. Enjoy this classic pesto on all your food this week!
Classic Pesto
About 4 servings
Time: 5-10 mins
100g pine nuts (you can use other nuts, like cashew or walnut)
200g fresh basil (leaves, stems… use it all!)
A pinch of salt and pepper
100g grated parmesan (vegan parmesan totally works!)
250ml (or more, if you prefer it runnier) olive oil, ideally extra virgin
3/4 cloves of garlic
This first step is optional, I’ve done it both ways and think both are super tasty: you can toast your pine nuts gently (with no oil) in a pan for about 30-60 seconds. They burn very easily so keep an eye on them! It does bring out the flavour nicely, but as I say, raw nuts are totally delicious too.
Then let the pine nuts cool down, and add them to a blender or small food processor bowl along with the basil, salt, pepper, peeled garlic cloves and parmesan. Start the food processor and add the oil in bit by bit (you don’t have to be too careful, it’s just nice to let all the other ingredients mix well before all the oil is in).
Your pesto is done! I bet it’s going to be the most flavourful and delicious pesto you’ve ever had, knowing that you made it yourself. Enjoy on pink pasta, green pasta, regular pasta (of course), a lovely ciabatta sandwich or as dressing on a salad. Yum!
Note: If you don’t have a blender or food processor, you can make this in a pestle and mortar - it’s a bit more work but my oh my, how romantic and Italian, eh? Just mash garlic, basil and pine nuts well first, and then add parmesan and oil gently. Prego!
We will look at some other variations on pesto in the future for those who can’t eat nuts or want to change it up a bit - but knowing how to make this classic will take you far!
Did you have fun making the pesto? What did you have it on? Share on Instagram and tag @TheFromScratchBody and hashtag #TheFromScratchBody so I don’t miss it!