Scandinavian Bread Rolls (Rundstykker)
With (pretty much) the same ingredients as my previous recipe for polar bread, we make some soft, delicious bread rolls - Scandi style. And I also share how you can make them super cosy and autumnal (if you’re a bit basic like me).
There’s never a bad time for one of these.
I just love these bread rolls. There’s something about them, maybe the added butter and milk, or the sweetness of the honey (or sweetener of your choosing) that make them slightly different from other bread rolls. I don’t really know. Rundstykker directly translates to “round pieces”. So yeah, you now speak Norwegian. Adding pumpkin spice to these is just *chef’s kiss*, and you can even substitute a bit of the flour in this recipe with rosehip powder if you want to be super healthy!
Scandinavian Bread Rolls (Rundstykker)
Makes about 10
Time: Prep 15 min | Rise & rest 45 min + 15 min | Bake 15-20 min
50g butter
300 ml milk
200 ml water
2 tsp fast action dry yeast
1 tbsp honey/syrup/sugar (honey is my absolute favourite for these!)
1/2 tsp salt (pink himalayan is great for lots of flavour without using tons!)
100g ground oats/oat flour (just blitz oats in a blender for a few seconds - you can even use leftover oat pulp from oat milk!
300g wholemeal flour
300g plain flour
Autumn bonus: 1 tbsp pumpkin spice added in with the flours! Soooo fragrant and super duper tasty!
1 egg (for egg wash on top - can be skipped, or you can use butter, milk, oil or water too)
Some seeds to top if you wish: poppy, sesame, pumpkin or sunflower - or a mix!
Melt the butter gently and pour it into a bowl. Add the milk and water and mix in the yeast - let it all blend well and settle for a minute. Add your sweetener of choice and salt, and then bit by bit add your flours (and pumpkin spice if adding) until you have a nice dough - knead it gently (you don’t have to knead it for too long) and let it rise under a damp cloth or cling film in your bowl for 45 minutes to an hour.
On a floured surface, roll the dough in to a long sausage shape and cut into equal parts - then shape the parts into smooth buns that fit just inside your hand (or a bit bigger). I got 10 rolls when I made this, but your dough might give you a couple more or a couple less. Put a tea towel over the rolls and let them rest for about 15 minutes.
Heat your oven to 230ºC (450ºF), possibly a bit less for fan assisted ovens. Cover 2 baking trays with baking paper and place the bread rolls on them. If you want to top them with an egg wash, mix 1 egg in a bowl and brush some on top of each roll. If you’re adding seeds on top, sprinkle them on after the egg wash (or milk/butter/oil/water wash). Bake the breads for about 15-20 minutes - all ovens are different! You don’t want them overly cooked as they won’t be soft. Let them cool on a cooling rack and freeze the ones that you’re not going to have there and then.
These bread rolls are delicious with any kind of “pålegg”, as we call it in Norway, which basically means any kind of spread or food you choose to top your bread with - be it Nowegian brown cheese (highly recommended!), jam, egg, avocado, Jarlsberg, honey, Notella or whatever you want.
Did you make the Scandi bread rolls? Did you like them? What did you have them with? Share on Instagram and tag @TheFromScratchBody and hashtag #TheFromScratchBody so I don’t miss it!